A few discoveries

Sonntag, 22.08.2021

# 2 

The toilets are unusual, you press a small little black button to flush. In the HS toilets you can literally see through the wall, there's like a hole for the toilet paper and you can see the person next to you !!! Like whaaat???? Privacy? None.

American windows don't have shutters that close just plissees that don't stop the light from waking you up at 7am on weekends... At least I can be productive in the mornings now. But i'm thinking on buying like an eye cover to be able to sleep a little bit haha 

Oh yeah and when there's a game in school, we all stand up, hand on our hearts, all facing the flag and sing the national anthem. Every morning we do the same for the pledge of allegiance. 

I knew that they weren't using kilometers and degrees celsius here but it's still confusing when someone says: " oh it's a hundred degrees outside" (fahrenheit of course haha)